
wine packaging | will make you illusion

why is wine packaging | able to make you feel illusion? Maybe a lot of our loyal audiences feel confused. Normally speaking, custom wine packaging boxes | look cuboid, it is very common. wooden wine packaging boxes | will change your opinion about wine packaging boxes |:
Now, can you understand the reason why wooden wine packaging | is able to lead you to illusions? 

jewelry packaging | embeds luxury DNA into your jewelry brand.

jewelry packaging | is formed of DNA for your brand. Maybe most of jewelry brands don't understand this marketing theory. Let's start with examples as normal: nowadays, natural and green design have been becoming more and more popular by public. Jewelry design can escape this trend, as jewelry is refined from nature resource: Gemstone, diamond, silver, gold and so on. These rare materials will be crafted into elegant jewelry items by dedicated handcraft. Clever craftsman prefer to dig out the natural value inside rare natural source, so they tend to create flowers shape, bee, vegetable etc.The following jewelry in flower shape will tell you the truth in more visually:
In above flower jewelry, do you know what its DNA is? Natural flower, natural works are its DNA. Natural element has been considered as a top luxury jewelry design idea. In order to embed luxury DNA into your jewelry brand, luxury jewelry packaging | also should introduce natural elements into jewelry packaging design |. For instance, we can beautify natural bee shape into custom jewelry packaging | as below:
luxury jewelry packaging design | on above picture create a live scene: diligent bee are flying over booming flowers. This scene inspire public audience to imagine another one scene:after flowers grow up, the fruitful season can be anticipated soon. 

cosmetic packaging | is able to collapse

cosmetic packaging | is able to collapse like a toy. Maybe you do believe. However, cosmetic packaging boxes | in following picture will tell you how to luxury cosmetic packaging | is able to collapse:
Some audiences should have some questions: you said custom cosmetic packaging | is able to collapse, however, we only find that it is fold. cosmetic packaging boxes | in cuboid shape will tell your more detail:
It looks like magic. In fact, cosmetic packaging design | is not only able to be a magic, it also consider eco friendly cosmetic packaging | as top priority. eco friendly cosmetic packaging design | not only exist in sustainable packaging material application, but also integrate multiple cosmetic packaging | functions into cosmetic packaging boxes |: luxury cosmetic display to achieve high marketing ability, flat packing save transportation energy consumption. Of cause, smart public audience can detect your great effort and are willing to pay more for your responsible effort. 

eco friendly cosmetic packaging design | evoke curiousness of public audience

cosmetic packaging | has been considered as a strongest marketing tool for cosmetic brands and cosmetic. custom cosmetic packaging | is able to differ your cosmetic brand from your competitors easily and quickly. Most important, innovative cosmetic packaging design | will evoke curiousness of public audience. innovative cosmetic gift boxes | in following picture will tell you more detail:

In a result, they are willing to approach to your cosmetic booth after at first glance of your cosmetic packaging |. After that, you can seize such great opportunity to apply eco friendly cosmetic packaging design | to your luxury cosmetic packaging |. Eco friendly cosmetic packaging boxes will wear green cloth for your luxury brand, this effort will make end consumers believe in that you are a reliable cosmetic brand, as you are responsible to our public interest: environmental protection.


jewelry packaging | is able to smile

jewelry packaging | is able to smile. Do you believe it? When you look at the following custom jewelry packaging |:
will you smile? I think you will still feel confused: red leather jewelry packaging boxes | are able to smile? However, luxury jewelry packaging | open the mouth as below:
Now,can you feel that jewelry packaging boxes | are smiling to you? I think you are smiling already. Meanwhile, your diamond jewelry are also starting to smile, as they are shining. This is the charm of leather jewelry packaging boxes | with LED light. Every girl and ladies doesn't have enough immunity to refuse such innovative jewelry packaging design |. leather jewelry packaging boxes for girls | is another case which apply LED light jewelry packaging design idea:

watch packaging | create sky feeling

watch packaging | in following picture create sky feeling:
Dome lid of luxury watch packaging | looks like sky and our sun. watch packaging design | idea can make end consumers associate it with accurate watch feature easily. Meanwhile, dome lid matching straight corners enrich model shape feeling: not only round shape, but also rigid shape. In a result, custom watch packaging | appeal to both refined and popular taste: not only suitable to luxury jewelry watch packaging for men | but also suitable to women jewelry packaging boxes for watch |. Only when your watch packaging boxes | are appealing to more audience, your watch can be acceptable by more clients. This is the charm of watch packaging design |,it will move end consumers at once when they don't have any defensive psychology. So that they will buy your watch imperceptibly. 

Why PARKER selected luxury jewelry packaging | as their pen packaging |

As you knew, PARKER is a super luxury pen brand all over the world. In order to increase luxury element of their brand, they have been trying a lot of marketing tools, including advertisement,luxury pen packaging |:

When you look at such luxury jewelry packaging | applied to pen packaging |, what do you think about this pen? I think you will realize that this pen must be very special and expensive, otherwise, there is no need to custom jewelry packaging | to package pen. When you open luxury pen packaging boxes |, soft touching satin fabric printed PARKER not only protect luxury pen in safe condition, but also enhance brand identity recognization. Following picture will show you more detail:

The hard plastic pen boxes block | is the hard clamshell to protect your pen from damage during transportation and storage, it will enhance luxury pen feeling via tactile sense. The strong snapping sounds will also enrich luxury brand image via listening sense. So far, luxury pen packaging boxes | formed luxury brand via listening/visual and tactile sense. 

cosmetic packaging | made of tin blend luxury eco friendly cosmetic packaging design idea together

cosmetic packaging |made of tin has integrated luxury cosmetic packaging | eco friendly cosmetic packaging design | concepts together. tin cosmetic packaging boxes | in following picture is a good example:
This is the reason why more and more famous cosmetic brand would like to apply tin to their cosmetic packaging design |. As you knew, tin is able to be rusting in natural condition, in a result, it will not pollute our environment. On the other hand, tin cosmetic packaging boxes | can be recycle. After recycle, it can become raw material for other tin products. So that we can reduce energy and resource consumption volume for cosmetic gift boxes |. custom cosmetic packaging | made of tin in following picture is another excellent example selected by COTY:

bamboo cosmetic packaging | input green blood into your cosmetic brand

cosmetic packaging | made of natural bamboo is green blood which is flowing inside your cosmetic brand. bamboo cosmetic packaging containers | make potential clients feel your natural impulse strongly. custom cosmetic packaging | made of original ecological bamboo and aluminium stick natural and green tag onto your cosmetic brand:

The green tag is able to spread in the same way as virus, the public audience doesn't have enough immunity to refuse your cosmetic. if you are smart enough, you can also custom cosmetic packaging design | achieved by bamboo for your cosmetic case:
Of cause, we can also customize cosmetic gift boxes | of bamboo, such as cylinder bamboo cosmetic packaging boxes | as following picture:
In a result, you can keep your brand identity be consistent thanks to original ecological bamboo application to luxury cosmetic packaging design |. 

cosmetic packaging | will protect your natural and healthy brand image

cosemtic packaging | made of edible plant base fiber will not only protect your cosmetic containers | in safe condition, but also protect your natural and healthy cosmetic brand image.

wine packaging | make your delicious wine be visible

wine packaging | is able to transform delicious wine visual experience to taste bud feeling. As per marketing and consuming behavior psychology theory, our 5 sense experiences can exchange and influence each other.custom wine packaging | printed diamond in following picture is an excellent example:
rose golden and diamond shape pattern printed on wine gift boxes with lids | provide luxury visual experiencing with public audience. luxury visual experiencing will lead them to fantasy taste experiencing too. when they are starting with experiencing your delicious wine via visual sense, they have trusted you and your brand already. So you don't need to worry about that they will leave your wine stores.more luxury wine packaging |:


Eco Friendly Cosmetic Packaging

cosmetic packaging | in cylinder shape make your cosmetic feel sustainable as recycle mark. Of cause, cosmetic packaging | in following picture not only look eco friendly, but it is custom cosmetic packaging | made of recycle grey board and pure fancy paper without any plastic lamination.

In a result, after disposal of your cosmetic packaging boxes |, it will return to our natural resource as eco friendly cosmetic packaging boxes | can be biodegradable and compostable by our earth itself. Our great earth burden can be decreased, your hard effort in sustainable cosmetic packaging | will contribute to leave green mountains, fresh air, clean water, blue sky to our next generation. cosmetic gift boxes | in following picture is another example to integrate sustainable cosmetic packaging design | concept:

more eco friendly cosmetic packaging |.

food safe packaging | can't be achieved by slogan

food safe packaging | can't be achieved by slogan:

food safety should be an industrial and systemic engineering. It can't be achieved by slogan. Food safe packaging | is an essential part to ensure food safety.In fact, there are two kinds of food packaging |, one is called primary food packaging |, which will be food direct contact. For example, chocolate boxes packaging | in following picture is an example:
The chocolate will contact custom chocolate boxes packaging | directly, chocolate packaging boxes | can't meet food safe testing norms just in case, then the chocolate will be polluted by them during packaging and deliver as well as storage. Food safety will be threatened too. food safe packaging | is produced by super strict conditions: for example, dusty free work shop, food grade packaging | raw material, the whole processing also need to meet food safe requirement. 

Regarding food safe packaging raw material, there are some new energy and high-tech material. For example, we are able to custom chocolate boxes packaging | made of original ecological bamboo:

Meanwhile,we can also customize food safe packaging | by edible plant base polymer:


luxury wine packaging | contains a lot stories

luxury wine packaging | contains a lot stories:

From above luxury wine packaging boxes |, maybe you can find out that this is a super luxury wine, the wine inside wooden wine packaging boxes | should be every expensive. However, there are a lot stories behind cuboid shape of wine packaging |. 

Maybe some clever wine lovers can read and understand more than cuboid shape. Some tiny detail may bring some doubts to them: why is there a "V"shape line between lid and base of wine gift boxes |? What is it at the back of custom wine packaging |? Maybe you can get some more answers from the following pictures:
Wow, what is it? Maybe a lot of little friends are surprised when we open custom wine packaging boxes |. However, there is still a doubt which has not been solved: why do luxury wine packaging boxes | need so long joint accessory? why do you need a "V" shape? 
Now, do you understand? This is the charm of wooden wine packaging boxes |, which is able to achieve not only luxury wine display, the accurate mechanism feature allow wine brand to create such innovative wine packaging design |. 

watch packaging | can be a toy

Maybe everyone understand the function of watch packaging |: display watch, watch protection, watch brand identity marketing etc. However, luxury watch packaging | in following picture will overturn your previous understanding about watch packaging boxes |:
At this model shape, maybe you can't understand what it is. But smart watch lovers may realize that it is an unique watch packaging boxes |. In their mind, there are a lot of doubts and puzzles: such as why there is a triangle at the back, luxury watch packaging boxes | look far different from others, the lid is separated from base of watch packaging | by a decline line, what will wooden watch packaging boxes | transform to after open the lid.......In fact, you have been led to childhood mode after watching such innovative watch packaging design |. It has evoked you so many questions, just like curious kids. Do you have an impulse to play watch boxes | at once?
Now do you understand how to play this innovative watch packaging design |? It is like a toy? a luxury toy:) for adult and watch lovers. 

jewelry packaging | is able to open mouth to speak

jewelry packaging | is able to open mouth:
In fact, it is a very normal jewelry packaging boxes | function, which is able to is open mouth. 
Maybe you don't believe jewelry boxes are able to speak. Accordingly to the above bamboo jewelry boxes |, it contains a lot of marketing message. First of all, bamboo jewelry packaging boxes | are very hard as wooden jewelry packaging boxes |, additionally, bamboo can be trimmed into super straight right angel and corners. Hard and rigid shape are always considered as luxury element. Bamboo is also much heavier than paper jewellery packaging boxes |. Heavy feeling also imply luxury grade via tactile sense. Secondly, organic and natural bamboo texture transfer original ecological feeling to the heart of end consumers. In a certain speaking, the open bamboo jewelry gift boxes | are able to speak to your potential clients.luxury jewelry packaging | in following picture is another excellent example which is also integrated natural and green jewelry packaging design | concept:

Cosmetic Packaging | is the bone to form your cosmetic brand

Cosmetic packaging | functions have been considered same important as traditional advertisement tools, such as news paper/television/radio. Most important, the advertisement function of cosmetic packaging | will follow up with your cosmetic products display in shelf.In a certain speaking, cosmetic packaging boxes | are same as a TV set to play your cosmetic advertising. You don't only need to pay the super expensive advertisement fee, but you can also sell your cosmetic.


wine packaging | will reveal advantage and disadvantage of wine brands

wine packaging | will reveal advantage and disadvantage of wine brands:

Have you heard an ancient saying: your value is determined by your fashions, or called by your image? When you meet a stranger, they don't know your background, what they are able to learn about your is your fashions, your image, your face etc. As they are not able to learn you deeply at once, your fashions and image become the key judge standard for them. Same as your fashions and face, wine packaging | also play the same role of your fashions and face to wine brand. For example, wooden wine packaging boxes | in following picture will transfer natural and healthy message to public audience:
The natural and healthy image will influence their comments on your wine taste. They tend to believe in that your wine taste natural and healthy too. We called it synthesis senses and multiple sense transformation. The innovation existed in above wooden wine boxes | is collapsible wine packaging structure design |. wooden wine packaging | not only protect your wine bottle in safe condition during transportation and storage, but also can transform to wine rack. In a result,you can save extra cost to customize wine rack. This is the charm of multiple wine packaging | functions design. During transportation of wine packaging boxes |, it can also flat packing. So that your transportation cost will be reduced dramatically. 
On the other hand, according to the rough wooden appearance, you can easily detect that unfinished wooden wine packaging boxes above is not so high quality as luxury wine packaging | as following image:
Of cause, if you have time to study wine packaging | closely, you can find out more detail information about wine and wine brand. 

jewelry packaging | is your jewelry brand image ambassador

jewelry packaging | is the first image which enter public audience's eyes. As you knew, first impression of yourselves will influence others' appraisal to yourselves.Same does your jewelry brand image. For example,if your jewelry is displayed in luxury jewelry packaging | as following picture:
luxury jewelry packaging boxes | will leave luxury impression on public audience. The role of jewelry packaging | is like a news speaker of a country, it will tell end consumers that the diamond ring inside me is precious and royal:"My luxury image is the best proof". 

Of cause, if you would like your jewelry brand ambassador to transfer other core brand value: natural and responsibility to protect our earth, custom jewelry packaging | is able to help you:
bamboo jewelry packaging boxes | on above picture will leave green and natural impression on end consumers. natural image make your jewelry value benefit, as jewelry is always made from rare natural resource: such as gemstone, diamond, gold etc. Most important, it will narrow psychological distance between your luxury jewelry brand and public audience. Sustainable packaging design | concepts integrated into luxury jewelry packaging | will break traditional impression in the mind of public. 

cosmetic packaging | create natural fashions made of natural bamboo for your cosmetic brand

cosmetic packaging | is custom made of original ecological bamboo. You can detect the clear bamboo joint texture, as well as bamboo grain outside of cosmetic packaging boxes |. bamboo joint also imply improvement step by step in Chinese ancient saying, this best wish will be integrated into your cosmetic brands image: your cosmetic functions will beautify end consumers and improve their image step by step as bamboo joint growing.

We are not only able to custom cosmetic packaging boxes | of bamboo, but also bamboo cosmetic containers |:
The reason why bamboo cosmetic packaging | became so popular these years: bamboo cosmetic boxes | own excellent mechanism feature to achieve luxury cosmetic packaging | display effect as wooden cosmetic packaging boxes |, but bamboo cosmetic containers | are renewable annually. However, wooden cosmetic containers | are renewable many years. In a result, we can save raw material and energy consumption caused by cosmetic packaging |.  

Bamboo cosmetic packaging | is another one example to create natural fashions for your cosmetic brand. 


jewelry boxes | evoke your childhood memories

jewelry boxes | in following picture is able to evoke our childhood memories:
The above model shape of wooden jewelry boxes | is only one of its multiple assembling models. Do you know why it is able to evoke our childhood memories? custom jewelry packaging | in following picture will tell you more: 

Now, it become a cuboid shape. 

From the above picture, you may not be able to understand how luxury jewelry emerge suddenly from luxury jewelry packaging |.

In fact, there is another display mode:
Do you feel that you are much younger now? Haha!! jewelry packaging | is so fantasy. 

Custom Bamboo Luxury Jewelry Packaging Gift Boxes

Jewelry Packaging| custom made of natural bamboo will tailor a natural and green fashion over your jewelry and brand:

Natural bamboo is also rich of traditional Chinese element, which will blow vintage wind to your target buyers.The clear bamboo joint and bamboo texture increase your jewelry natural feeling, the fantasy natural smell of bamboo will also enrich jewelry natural feeling via smelling sense. 

Natural scene and logo engraving on jewelry boxes | become another way to increase natural scores of your jewelry and brand.  


luxury watch packaging | is able to speak brand story

luxury watch packaging | in following picture will create luxury stage for your watch and watch brand.
This luxury watch stage is able to transform. The above status is display mode. you can find transportation and storage mode as below:
Most important, the transforming style has led public audience to game playing and movie watching mode: TRANSFORMER. In fact, this processing is embedding live story into your watch brand stories. 

In order to keep famous brands be fresh, watch brands have been always creating new and fantasy stories for their brand. watch packaging | on above pictures will not only display your watch in luxury way and make your watch appreciate, most important, it is able to speak stories for your watch brand and keep your brand be alive and full of energy. 

Eco friendly cosmetic packaging design |

Eco friendly Cosmetic Packaging Design has been becoming more and more important. As you knew, China has been experiencing tough influencing by fog and haze. Chinese government has taken action to treat environmental pollution, including close some enterprises whose manufacturing is harm to our earth, advocate every industry to practice sustainable business model. Cosmetic packaging | industry is also without exception.Since the volume of cosmetic consumption has been increasing year by year along with Chinese consuming has been upgrading to mid and luxury level, cosmetic packaging boxes | cosmetic containers | consumption volume have been increasing according to increasing cosmetic consumption.if we are able to lead luxury cosmetic packaging | which is custom made of non sustainable cosmetic packaging material to change to eco friendly cosmetic packaging | path, then the environmental pollution caused by cosmetic packaging gift boxes | cosmetic jars | will be reduced dramatically.

luxury jewelry packaging | is the best price benchmark

luxury jewelry packaging | is the best price benchmark:

Most of end consumers are not able to determine the value of your diamond jewelry, but they are familiar with jewelry packaging |, if you can seize this special great opportunity and custom jewelry packaging | to achieve luxury display effect, then they believe in that your jewelry must be super luxury as your jewelry packaging boxes |. you can learn more detail about this article via following link:http://pisourcing.com/NewsInfo.aspx?id=112
creative jewelry packaging boxes | are an excellent example:
it tell end consumers that diamond jewelry inside luxury jewelry packaging boxes | belong to royal grade, it doesn't belong to commonalty. If you don't have enough money, please don't touch me:)

Luxury Wine Packaging | Tell You Why Maotai Pay So Special Attention To Environmental Protection From Pi Sustainable Packaging Co.,Ltd

Luxury Wine Packaging | Tell You Why Maotai Pay So Special Attention To Environmental Protection From Pi Sustainable Packaging Co.,Ltd

wine packaging | will transfer not only the message of your wine and brand, the end consumers can also determine if your wine brand is responsible or not to protect our environment.