
custom cosmetic packaging is able to hook the heart of end consumers like clamshell

custom cosmetic packaging is able to hook the heart of end consumers like clamshell:

when you are selling your products, do you know the reasons why your end consumers make purchasing decision to buy your goods? Maybe some sales would like to tell me how wonderful their products can do for their end consumers? in my opinion, you are selling yourselves to your clients. 

Same as sales of cosmetic, if you would like your cosmetic become a great sales, your cosmetic should be able to sell itself to your clients too. custom cosmetic packaging in following picture possess such kind special marketing capability:
Do you know why? let's return to the title of this article. If you are looking for cosmetic and looking at the perfume which is packaging inside such innovative cosmetic packaging design, where is your soul? do you feel that your heart is hooked by the clamshell? are your soul leaded by the above custom cosmetic packaging boxes? That is why people always say cosmetic itself is the best sales. 


Custom cosmetic packaging is able to play piano for your target audience

Custom cosmetic packaging is able to play piano for your target audience:

when you are looking at the above article title, what do you think? do you believe that? haha. I think most of you would like to doubt me how to do that? lets stop disputing and starting with actual pictures. 

First of all, when you are playing piano, what is your feeling? maybe someone would like to tell me you are enjoy the harmony rhythm, maybe some of you would like to tell me they are looking at the white and black piano keys are dancing along with the piano player's fingers. Here is the picture shown you custom cosmetic packaging which is able to link to piano at once:
 custom cosmetic packaging
 Now, can you feel strong linking between cosmetic packaging boxes and piano? 



why would Audi car like to select so heavy watch packaging boxes as their promotional gifts:

I believe you must know that Audi car is a famous luxury car brand all over the world. When they were thinking about how to select the proper promotional items for their car sales, there must be a lot of options for them to select: such as luxury pen, luxury car fragrance, luxury bag, luxury bicycle and so on. 

However, they select watch packaging boxes in following pictures as their promotional gifts:
 watch packaging boxes
Do you know the reasons why Audi prefer to this luxury watch packaging boxes design? First of all, wooden watch packaging boxes are very heavy which represent steady manners. This point will wake up male consumers' purchase desire. Secondly, rigid shape and straight outline is another marketing element to trigger male consumers' desire to make purchasing decision. 


Perfume packaging boxes match with fast vogue

In the past several years, there is a main trend which has been forming. Let’s allow me to call it fast vogue, or fast fashion. Maybe it is formed by economic risk which make individual persons income become lower and individual has less money to purchase luxury goods. Their incomes allow them to afford medium grade products. However, in every social occasions, in order to keep their own competitive strength comparison with their workmate or schoolmate or loving enemies etc, urban girls or ladies or beauties still need to keep themselves tidy up in economic manners. That means they need to beautify themselves, but the cost must be affordable and economic enough. Otherwise, their income can not support their daily beautifying. Based on such special economic conditions, fast vogue has born and has been becoming more and more popular these years.

Perfumery industry can not escape from such tremendous trend. Traditional luxury perfume brands such as COACH not only need to develop unique fragrance to meet millennium generation’s fast vogue taste, meanwhile, they also need to custom perfume packaging boxes to achieve luxury perfume display as below:

Additionally, original innovative perfume packaging boxes design is able to make them stand out of common perfume at the first glance by public audience. So that they belong to unique grade among the perfume and cosmetic industry. Rigid shape perfume boxes design is another marketing element to meet fast vogue as straight outline is always considered as the fastest way to arrive at the final point. 

JAGUAR is another excellent example who was willing to pay much more to luxury perfume packaging boxes, they aim to achieve super luxury display effect and win their royal clients’ favor:

However, luxury display is not enough to meet fast vogue demand of millennium generation. They also require luxury famous perfume brands to bear the heavy burden to protect our common home garden: our only one earth. For example, JO-MALONE is an excellent example. In order to achieve luxury perfume display and protect our only one earth, they were trying their best to apply pure fancy paper plus recycle grey board to custom cosmetic packaging boxes, so that they are able to achieve eco friendly cosmetic packaging effect, but will not sacrifice luxury display at the cost. Here is the picture shown their fragrance packaging boxes design apply eco friendly concept for your review:

Of cause, eco friendly cosmetic packaging design on above picture is able to help perfume brand reduce purchasing cost. In other words, they have more room to decrease their retail price to match with fast vogue. 



Wine Packaging Boxes Are One Of Best Tool To Prevent Fake Wine Brand

These days, in Wenzhou city of south China, police has just caught a crime group who has been working on printing wine boxes, they use these wine box to fake Moutai. The police found there are about 110 thousands pcs of fake Moutai wine packaging boxes at the criminal spot. Just imagine: if these so huge fake Moutai wine packaging boxes have been used to package fake wine, which are not able to meet food safe or other wine testing standard, how huge negative influence will happen? such as health, interest of Moutai brand image, Moutai sales profit etc. 

After heard of such surprising news, as wine packaging suppliers, we have been thinking of how to protect famous wine brand via our anti-counterfeiting technology. Normally speaking, in order to simulate the famous wine, wine brands fakers need to scan wine packaging boxes of famous brands. After that, they are able to copy the artwork to print on fake wine boxes. If your custom wine packaging can’t be scanned and transferred to hi-resolution image, then they are not able to fake you. In other words, the end consumers can easily detect that their wines are fake from the poor wine packaging boxes printing quality. For example, custom wine packaging boxes for Jack Daniel in following picture are very difficult to be scanned:
wine packaging boxes
First of all, spot UV and golden stamping have been applied to logos and some royal patterns. When the fakers want to scan, the image and texts of these area will become blur or become white due to high light areas by scanning strong lights. Here is their inner artwork design for your easy understanding:

Furthermore,luxury wine packaging in following image also adopt special anti-counterfeiting technology:
luxury wine packaging
All the image and patterns as well as text have been custom printed on champagne foil paper. The champagne foil paper belong to special fancy paper, which is required to customize. The customization MOQ is very high which will increase the doorstep of fakers. Secondly, the text and image and patterns printed on foil paper are very difficult to be copied. Same as Jack Daniels wine packaging boxes, the printing artwork on champagne foil will become white after scanning. So that they are not be printable. Besides for these several anti-counterfeiting technologies, there are a lot of high-tech anti-counterfeiting emerging these years. If you would like to prevent your famous wine brand from faking by criminals, please find the reliable wine packaging suppliers who have tremendous strength in anti-counterfeiting technology as well as high quality of wine packaging boxes. Pi sustainable packaging company is a leading wine packaging company all over the world, who has rich experience to apply high technology to anti-counterfeiting field to protect your brand from faking. 



Custom Cosmetic Packaging Boxes design for COACH

Custom Cosmetic Packaging Boxes design for COACH:

As you knew, COACH is the top luxury cosmetic brand all over the world. their essential requirement for their cosmetic or make up or perfume must be luxury enough to convince their clients of that their goods belong to luxe grade. Secondly, their another aim of marketing is leading the beauty industry trend. Finally, they also need to differ from common ones in open market. 

In order to meet the above rigid demand, COACH cosmetic packaging boxes suppliers must be able to custom cosmetic packaging to achieve luxury display, meanwhile, create original innovative cosmetic packaging design to make their cosmetic product differ from others and become the vogue trend. Here is the picture for your easy understanding:
 custom cosmetic packaging
At the first glance of above rigid cosmetic packaging boxes, can you feel their luxury style? Here is another similar COACH cosmetic perfume packaging boxes design which also adopted rigid and same structure for your review:
perfume packaging boxes



custom cosmetic packaging design meet female taste

custom cosmetic packaging design meet female taste:

As you knew, female consumers group is the main consuming strength of cosmetic industry, even though economic risk influence income of individual persons deeply and heavily. 
Based on such marketing conditions, cosmetic brand need to pay more attentions and effort as well as money to custom cosmetic packaging. The aim is achieve differential competition. For example, V&R was willing to create original innovative cosmetic packaging design in following picture:
Their aim is win female consumers group's favor. You can detect that they also apply pink pearl powder fancy paper to their luxury cosmetic packaging boxes skin. The skin of their cosmetic packaging boxes is able to create strong link with pink pearl powder effect. pink and pearl powder are composed of two key female favorite to lever up this huge marketing share. 
 custom cosmetic packaging



Custom Cosmetic Packaging is able to link your brand to silky skin as precious as gold

Custom Cosmetic Packaging is able to link your brand to silky skin as precious as gold:

As you knew, yellow race has occupied more than one half of all over the world. that means skin care for yellow race is the biggest market share. As long as beauty and cosmetic brands are able to keep their yellow race market grow well, then they are able to win the skin care market all over the globe. 

Then do you know how to win their favor of yellow race? Custom Cosmetic Packaging in following picture is an excellent case for your easy understanding:
 custom cosmetic packaging
As yellow race, when you are looking at the skin care products packaging inside above cosmetic packaging boxes, what is your first impression on them? does the light golden sand foil skin of the above custom cosmetic packaging boxes look like the silky gold tone skin? would you like your skin to be golden tone as it? Based on such strong impression influencing, most of yellow race beauties are eager to open luxury cosmetic packaging boxes to learn more detail about the functions of cosmetic items at once. When they are trying to open it, the book shape of custom cosmetic packaging boxes structure become another positive brand image to link to book, which is considered as clear brand identity of professional skin care knowledge. That will lead end consumers to trust your silky skin care functions. 



Custom cosmetic packaging is a wind gap of your cosmetic business

In the past years, Chinese marketing has generate a new words and phrases which has been becoming more and more popular: wind gap. There was a famous saying: as long as you are standing at the right wind gap, even though you are a pig, you are still able to fly. In internet economic, if you are able to seize the strategic wind gap of market, it is definitely important for small or medium companies to grow up to great brands even though you are not so clever as your competitors:) haha. is it fun?

In cosmetic industry, wind gap is also important to occupy for cosmetic brands owners and cosmetic enterprise. However, how to occupy the wind gap for your cosmetic brands? How to make your cosmetic brand be recognized at the first glance and leave strong impression on public memories for a longer period? It is a hot topic for cosmetic social circles. Custom cosmetic packaging is able to help you. Maybe most of you feel confused, it is always considered as accessories of beauty and personal care industry. Maybe you would like to ask me are you kidding? Haha. When you look at the following custom cosmetic packaging boxes at the first glance, could you please kindly tell me your first impressions?
custom cosmetic packaging
Wow, how to do that? Have your hearts been hooked by such original innovative cosmetic packaging boxes design, just like snapped by clamshell. Maybe there are much more comments on above cosmetic packaging boxes design, which we are not able to list all here due to the length limitation of the article. Most important, the clamshell is also able to generate pearl, have you detected anything more linked to pearl again? Pearl powder fancy paper with pink foil logo is able to distinguish your brand identity and create wind gap for your brand again. Pearl is the strong link to beautifying and whitening effect. Double strong links to pearl will enhance your cosmetic values and leave deeper impressions on public audience. 
Here is another one excellent cosmetic packaging design which also adopted pearl powder fancy paper to create wind gap:
custom cosmetic packaging
More than above V&R cosmetic packaging design, the wind blow into your cosmetic from 4 different directions via 4 windows of pyramid cosmetic packaging boxes. In a result, you can enjoy more clients flow. The following cosmetic design is another one example who stimulate the yellow silky skin:
custom cosmetic packaging

The silky skin of cosmetic packaging boxes is another clients flow which link silky skin functions of your cosmetic. This point is the trigger of purchasing behavior. Now, do you know the reasons why custom cosmetic packaging made by Pi sustainable packaging company is able to bring more clients flow to your cosmetic brand continuously?



Eco Friendly Cosmetic Packaging has been becoming more and more popular

Eco Friendly Cosmetic Packaging  has been becoming more and more popular:

In cosmetic industry, luxury display is an essential and forever requirement for cosmetic brandMeanwhile, along with the natural and healthy trend of cosmetic functions and ingredients have been becoming more and more popular, cosmetic brands and enterprises have been trying their best to present their natural core value.

In fact, eco friendly cosmetic packaging is able to help you cure your painful point. First, in traditional public memories, people always thought that eco friendly cosmetic packaging is custom made of dull paper, which is not shiny enough to demonstrate their luxury cosmetic. In fact, i have to tell you this kind of sense about eco friendly cosmetic packaging is wrong. Now, let’s start with actual pictures about how eco friendly cosmetic packaging to make luxury cosmetic display come true:
eco friendly cosmetic packaging
As per the above bamboo cosmetic packaging jars, are you able to feel the natural and green wind blowing to your face softly J haha. It is made of natural and ecological bamboo plus aluminum jar. These two kinds of cosmetic packaging material are from natural resource and will return to nature at the end of their lifecycle. Additionally, according to the above images, I believe you can feel the luxury presentation of cosmetic. The firm,shiny and heavy feeling transfer luxury elements to public audience via multiple senses: such as visual sense, touch sense, etc. At the same time, you are also allowed to engrave your brand name on bamboo body by laser. In a result, your brand exposure rate will be enhanced along with your product exposure. Here is another excellent example which adopt bamboo cosmetic containers:
eco friendly cosmetic packaging
Furthermore, in order to comply with natural and green sales appearance, eco friendly cosmetic packaging boxes are also very important, as it is the first media to touch your public audience at the first hand. Here is the picture for your easy understanding:
eco friendly cosmetic packaging
custom cosmetic packaging is made of pure fancy paper and environmental friendly glue as well as vegetable base ink. In a result, luxury cosmetic display is set at low tone. That means your end consumers can feel your luxury, but you are not so garish. We called it low-tone luxury. This is the main trend to win public favor these years. Most important, after careful study, they will be moved by your environmental protective effort, as the whole cosmetic packaging boxes can be biodegradable and compostable after disposal. That means your enterprise is a responsible cosmetic company who is care our common interest: ecological environment. 
